Sunday, November 11, 2007

Google Ad Sense

I have been trying for months to find the best and most cost effective ways to advertise Primsy Doodle Designs. Let's face it, even though I have wonderful clipart designs, I have to get people to my site to see them before anyone will know they even exist. I have found quite a few wonderful ways to do this.

1. Myspace- Myspace is not only a great way to network , but also really fun :) ( Cost-free)
2. Newsletters- A great way to let potential customers know when you have added new products or are having a sale. I use constant contact. (Cost- $15/mo)
3. Blogs- Such as this blog. You can offer advice, network with other blogs and offer services and or freebies. (There are lots of other things you can do as well). (Cost-Free)
4.Google Ad words..this can be a very effective ay to draw potential customers to your site. Just make sure you select the maximum price you wish to pay Google. (cost-defined by you)
5. Google Ad sense. I highly recommend this program for earning lots of money and not having to pay to use the service. I think this is one of the most important programs out there that you can utilize .

There are alot more ways to generate traffic and money. Don't give up too soon. It usually takes at least a year to see a large amount of targeted traffic.

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